Why do dog lovers buy dog clothes? – I asked my dog lover friends and got the following answers:
1. Comfort for my dogs during winter
2. Sometimes we think out dog is human
3. I like to dress my dog up so people will think my dog is fashionable like me!

Just like people wear, you can get designer labels for your dog, too. Many celebrities always have their dogs dressed in the latest doggie fashion. Have you ever seen Paris Hilton and her dog, Tinkerbell? They both are in the new arrival clothes!
A lucrative industry has grown up around the pampered pet. Prices for dog dresses are from $29.95 to over $100.00. Some of the dog clothes cost more than a lot of people spend on their own clothes. Some pet owners spend a lot of money on their little four-legged friends.
Do you think it’s too much?
Do you think they like it?
Are dog clothes really good for your pet? Well, when it comes to the smaller hairless pets you may feel that they need some protection in the winter. But for the pets who already have a lot of fur you may want to think carefully about dressing them. Since the weather in Thailand is so hot, putting a sweater on a dog, you can do more harm than good.
Your dog will probably look adorable in a little cute T-Shirt. But you do not want your dog to become overheated just to look cute.
And what about the shoes? Most veterinarians will tell you that dogs do not need to wear any shoes. If you are worried about their little paws, you just have to limit the amount of time that is spent outside during summer.
You will make your own decisions. But the whole idea of dressing dogs actually started as a marketing ploy. But the people who make these products do not really care about your animals, they just want to make money. Before you decide to dress your dog in all types of outrageous styles, you should take the time to talk to your veterinarian and find out if any type of clothing would be harmful to your dog. Take a little extra effort, if you truly love them.

By Phithayaphorn Chiangthong ( Cherry 490132052 )
Sunee said...
Why do dog lovers try to make dogs weird ?
Have dog lovers ever asked their beloved dogs whether they want to dress up or not ?
Why do dog lovers waste a lot of moeny each month ?
I really wonder that someone who is called dog lover loves dogs truely or not. They forced their dogs to dress up with skirts, trousers, shirts, dresses, shoes or make up with cosmetic. Moreover, they cut nails and hair. Then, they are very proud to show other people that their dogs are very lovely and how much they love their dogs.
From this point, I want dog lovers to look back that their dogs are dressed up more good-looking and beautiful than the children in slums. Why don't dog lovers donate money to the orphans or the poor in slums instead of being wasted for the dogs ?
Furthermore, dog lovers love their dogs too much so they forget the ancestor's words which are said "It's very unlucky if you dress up animals like the people."
If the dogs could talk, they might say "Take off my clothes." "I hurt." "I am very shamed of my friends." Please think of your dogs more than your thoughts.
If you love the dogs, just feed them with food and take care when they get sick. However, the dogs are animals. Let them spend their lives with the nature. Nature gives their skin to protect their body.
In addition, the beauty of dogs isn't the artificial thing dog lovers dress them up.
Don't spend too much money with useless thing ! Or do you want to make the owners of dog's products richer and richer ?
I have 7 cats and I have no need to put any clothes on my pets to show that I love them. I don’t see any importance of buying expensive clothes for dogs. People who call themselves a dog lover should think about what dogs really want from them. A cute skirt? A brand name t-shirt? If human and dogs use the same language, I might hear dogs complain about their owners’ craziness hundreds times a day. I think all dogs’ lovers should spend their money for buying food for stray dogs or any dogs. And that will make them real dogs’ lovers.
I like dogs too, but I've never thought that I've to dress them up like models. I used to have my two beloved dog and I always dressed them up with t-shirts ( just T-shirt ) only in winter, because my dogs had short hair. I thought that the shirts would help them warmer. But those two were dead. And I've got new ones instead. I still dress them up with only T-shirts when the weather is cold.
For me, dressing dog is not wrong but it should have limit, not to be fashionable and overdressed. Owners should concern about the suitability (money,chance and place). I agree with Sunee that the owners shouldn't waste a lot of money with this unnecessary thing.Although some people have a lot of money to spend like rich people or celebrities, they should donate money to orphanages or foundations, where their money will be more useful than wasting with superfluous dog fashions.
I think we have to define what "love" mean. Each dog lovers might have different notions of the word "love".
Some people may think that 'to love is to give.' But to give what? I'm not sure if we could give something that they really wanted. How do we know whether they want it or not?
I believe that nature give us enough for what we need. Dogs have hair and skin to protect themselves from crucial weather. If it is too cold, they will look for a shelter or to make themselves warm. Putting extra clothes on the dogs could be un-necessary. I think, to dress the dog up is to fulfill the need of the owner, not the dog themselves.
His majesty the king has 34 dogs. He hasn't dress any of them up. Moreover, he has shown his love toward all of them 'enough' without forcing them to become something else more than just 'a dog.".
"love me love my dog"
"love my dress love my dog dress too"
BUHM (-"-)
Interesting to know.
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