What do you think about body modification such as tatto, piercing, and plastic surgery?

I believed everyone has their own rights over their bodies. Some people modify their bodies according to their custom or tradition while somebody else do it for their own preference. Some might do it to express their own identity and trying to be different while the other do it just to make them become one with the certain group. Some might do it to make themselves more tough while the other just want to be more vunerable or to feel pain during the piercing or tattooing. Many of them enjoy their bodies to be cut over and over.

Some people believed that they would look better or prettier if they change certain parts of their body. I'm wondering if one were satify of who they are then they wouldn't want to change anything.
Let me ask you a question, if you could change one part of your body (or to modify it) which part you would like to change.
Posted by Narumol (Kop) Thammapruksa

Humans have their own right to pursue happiness. I think it’s their own right to do whatever they want with their bodies. But they should think about good reasons before modifying themselves because I don’t think it’s a good idea to hurt themselves just because of the word “fashion”. If they make a decision to do that, they shouldn’t forget about safety and cleanliness because they might get an infection.
I satisfy myself even it is not perfect. I think I’m luckier than other people who lost a part of their bodies.
Body modification is very popular especially teenagers who want to follow the fashion and have their own identity. For me, although I am not a good-looking or beautiful woman. However, I am very proud of all my parts of body. I don't want to change any parts of mine but I just want to make it more charming or sexy with body paint in order to make some men more interested in me. I don't agree with someone who decides to modify their bodies because of fashion. Warning ! Please be careful because it's very dangerous to modify body. Perhaps you get some disease or infection.
I don't have a negative attitude towards body modification. Some people may not really want to have cosmetic surgery but in order to be more disirable, they have to.
In lots of professions, like flight attendance, reporting or PR, it is more desirable to be good-looking. To be more confident is a reason to modify their body
I used to hate my nose so I decided to have a rhinoplasty several years ago to satisfy myself. I think I look better and am happy with my nose. I don't think it's wrong because I didn't do any harm, did I?
For the question, I won't change or modify any parts of my body. Definitely, I am not satisfied with some of my body,but I don't have any ideas to modify them.
Body modification is very popular among people around the world. I think that people have their own rights to do everything with their bodies, but again they should have limit, which means not too much.
People, who want to do body modification, should think carefully, because if you do something with your body, certainly, it can't return to be the same.
I think the body modification ( Tattoo, Piercing or plastic surgery )is very amazing and fastastic, I do like them.
If someone has only 1 or 2 of them on his or her body,that's still fine for me. But if he or she has tattoo or piercing all over the body, I also can't bear with it.
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